“Hey did you hear?” A Goldshire townsperson yelled, ” the Horde- they burned Teldrassil!”
I looked up from my cup.
Oh those poor people said another
maybe the king will finally see the horde for what they are- monsters!
I got up from my chair and started walking towards the exit.
Hey, Night Elf I’m sorry about your home.
I looked down to see a small boy with tears in his eyes.
Yeah me too.
It’s pouring rain out but it doesn’t bother me. I summoned my mount and headed towards Stormwind. I ignored the stares as I headed to the portal room.
Darnassus has to be there!
As I walked to my portal’s home the mages that stood watch over them stopped me.
No one’s allowed.
my companion Riley growled at the mages.
Reinya? Is it?
Yes? I turned to a human.
Come, child. She walked towards the entrance and disappeared.
Riley, come! Riley gave one last warning growl at the other mages and followed me.
How do you know my name?
The mage smiled, we know all about the champions of our world. You are quite famous.
I laughed. I bet, can’t even use that to get home.
The woman smiled at me and with a swoosh of her hand, she opened a portal.
It’s the closest I could get to Darnassus.
That’s perfect thank you.
Well met hunter, see you around.

I smelled the burnt ash, as even Darkshore was in ruins.
Reinya? Reinya! Thank Elune! you’re alive! The kaldorei rider hopped off her hippogrph and hugged me.
Where’s my family ?
Our people had no idea. That banishe witch did it- Elune will have her revenge
Not wanting to hear another word, I got on my mount. Determined to get home.
Reinya wait! Everyone is lost!
Then I will find them.
Ash still filled the air as I grew closer.
I covered my mouth. Riley whimpered. Its okay boy, we’re okay. As I turned towards what was once a beautiful green tree of life, now reduced to sunder. The ground still warm from the blaze, I decided not to keep my mount on the ground, to gently float close to the ground.
I couldn’t even tell where I was- the Orcale Glade? Shadowglen? Dolanaar? where my family had stayed until moving on to the capital city Darnassus?
The smell- the smell of flesh. This was the fate of my family, my people.
There’s really no one left-. I wept thank Elune I was alone. Riley nudged me and licked my face.
Let’s go boy
I continued on. Flying up and up.
I shouldn’t have left them Riley.
As I returned to Boralus, I learned more about my people fate. The Banshee witch who told her pathetic excuse for a hunter companion to do this- to Darkshore and my home. My people and other brave champions fought a good fight against them but in vain.
I should’ve been with them, fighting for them but no I was running around in Boralus helping these town folk.
I sighed. Well Riley, maybe they’re at peace now. He growled.
I like to think so. what do you think?
Yeah that does sound better. I hugged him.
The next day I woke up to a gentle bell ring letting me know that there is a new task up for any one willing to do it. I walked over to the board and it had read: Shadowlands
Geez what has she done now. Apparently the Banshee wasn’t done with us yet. She had taken four of our leaders. I accepted it and headed off.

A chilling summons, Darion Morgraine or who I like to call DM was waiting for me and any others outside of Stormwind keep. He told me the Highlord Bolvar Fordragon wanted to see me at the top of Ice Crown Citadel.
Upon following him I was reminded of the various champions stories about this place, combating awful creatures through these halls. I have never been on those types of adventures.
Bolvar began explaining what was happening to our world; the Banshee opened a portal to another world and how if I choose to take on this task, I would be going to the afterlife! The actual afterlife. I’m in.
While we were preparing the ritual to go, our beloved Tyrande ran in before us! I and several knights of the Ebon Blade then entered. We fell into a place where horrified creatures roam. They call it the Maw, I call it hell.
We sprung into action killing them, some one by one, others grabbed a group of them; Riley clawed at another. We were making headway towards the first leader Lady Proudmoore. I had only interacted with her a few times. My cousin who studied to become a mage adores her and would always ask me weird questions; like how does her hair smell? I hope she wasn’t there when this happened.
We were able to get to the other three and we headed towards an item called the waystone. Apparently by me faintly glowing was a sign that only I could activate the portal.
Unfortunately we were ambushed by the entity called the Jailer and his minions and I had to leave them behind. Upon going through the waystone I had entered a between plane called Oribos.

A bright light hit me, when I was able to see again two guards-like figures stood in front of me. I couldn’t make out what they were saying at first, only mawwalker? I was taken to the machinal-like creatures who then took me to something called the Arbiter.
Unmoving statue stood. I was told that it has been unable to wake therefore, unable to decide where the souls go, hence why every soul fed into the maw. I would be sent to a place called Bastion to find out anything.
The Kyrian they are called I met by one named Kira, she at first didn’t understand I was a living soul but I felt I could trust that she believed my story of the Maw.
After doing random tasks around Bastion, I slowly learned that the dark winged things I saw in the maw are called the Forsworn. They seem to be wanting to be able to remember who they were, as they come into this convent they are made to forget everything- that’s just horrible; even though they tried to kill me . Are they going about the right way? Maybe not but I’m still learning about this place.
They told me to go to the temple of courage. Alright, yet another task and I still don’t have any answers on what is truly going on here and where Tyrande is. So many questions…
To my surprise I saw creatures from another realm called Maldraxxus. they had taken over the temple and needed me to help them balance the playing field.
After helping the Kyrian as much as I can, I headed back to Oribos to report what’s happening there. I’m then sent to Maldraxxus. I was immediately thrown into an arena! Just before I was killed a woman named Draka rescued me.
That’s it! I’m done!
I took out my hearthstone. Draka looked amused as I disappeared in front of her.
Back in Stormwind I watched the many go through the portal and listened to the various stories of Shadowlands. Bastion home to the Kyrian, Maldraxxus home to the House of the Chosen, Ardenweald home to the Night Fae and last but not least Ravendreth home to the Venthyr.
I couldn’t bring myself to go back there. That is until I overheard that some champions had gone to Ardenweald and fought against the Ba and the Jailer’s forces. Tyrande showed up and fought her directly!
Then I heard that…Elune….
she wouldn’t, she just couldn’t do that to us- her people….could she?
Dammit I have to find out for myself!

I raced to the portal to Orbios- unfortunately I couldn’t get to Ardenweald just yet. I had to complete everything to see if the stories were true.
A few weeks later I finally completed all four areas to be able to find out if it was true.
It was.
Elune gave up our people to help Ardenweald….
I headed back to the heart of the forest- this time I saw the ghost- the ghost of people I once knew. No sign of my family just yet. Until-
Rey! My Rey!
I turned and saw my family, my mother just as poised and beautiful the last time I saw her. My father, strong willed. My brother and sister were still annoying but had an innocence about them I didn’t realize before.
They were smiling at me. I ran to them but as I tried to hug them, but my arms held the air. I cried.
We are so proud of you.
I shouldn’t have left.
You would’ve died also.
But I- my mother placed her hand just above my mouth and stared at me.
It wasn’t my time.
And with that they walked away…where to? I couldn’t bring myself to follow. At least they are here and at peace.
So true Riley!
I hearth back to the land of the living.