Hey! You made to the Cavern to mine, but then something attacks you! Lucky for you you have weapon. Mark was telling the truth! There are plenty of monsters the further down you go. Depending on which shaft you’re in you will see a variation of these to kill.

Once the danger sign is gone you can go into the cavern. As you enter it begins to shake and you meet Kira who explains that her and the Band of Smiles were in here clearing out some monsters. The first mine that will be available to you is the Earth shaft. She also hands you a sword to defend yourself.

Kira wishes you good luck and leaves. The Chieftain appears and asks for your help. He needs to free his friends. First cave have the following monsters :
Pickling- which drops stone, wood, sap, wool, wild seeds and fire

Simple Slime- pink goop, fire , stone, wood, sap and wild seeds

Monsters, Monsters Oh My!
The further you go down the more monsters there are to fight. You can “hide” from the monsters if you turn off the light torch, but they’re fairly easy to kill. The caves are Earth, Water, Wind (Air) and Fire. The following isn’t in any particular order for the monsters and the loot they can drop, but you will encounter them while in the caves.

And last but not least is Ombuto.

That’s the list of monsters you will encounter in the cavern. Next post I’ll go over each of the ores that each one has, the gifts you can get and what’s at the very bottom?