World of Warcraft Class Hall Ranked

I know I’m late to the party but as of 12/26/2023 I have officially completed all 12 class mounts. I’m ranking them from best to worst.

  1. Hunter
  2. Shaman
  3. Mage
  4. Priest
  5. Paladin
  6. Warlock
  7. Driud
  8. Monk
  9. Death Knight
  10. Demon Hunter
  11. Warrior
  12. Rogue

I had first started with my main the warlock, when Legion first came out. At the time I wasn’t thinking to actually finish the class hall questline just getting to max level which was 120. Then Shadowlands came out and I decided to actually go back and finish at least one of the class hall. So, I went back to my warlock. Unfortunately I couldn’t remember where to continue again. After searching the web, I figured it out and picked up the questline again. This time I was over the level cap for the dungeons I had to go into, which made it fairly easy.

After getting my first class hall mount, I figured let’s see if I could finish all of them. So began my quest for each class hall mount. The next class hall mount was between the Mage and Paladin. The Mage class hall was beautiful as well as the Paladin class hall.

The most fun I had was the hunter class hall campaign. I liked the final class hall quests. From sitting with Odin and others by the camp fire telling stories. To my hunter hunting various creatures.

So on and so on I went going through the various perfectly different variations of class halls. Each with their own sense of self until I got to the rogue.

Now, the rogue class I was never able to complete and often times I would delete. But I had decided I was going to finish this journey. The campaign started out okay but then the final one to get through actually was just painful.

That quest you had to assassinate four different npcs in the various race capitals. Since my rogue is only level 60 I thought I would be able to complete it fast. I died and died again. At first it was only about five times at the first capital, but then with each one it got more difficult. Ultimately I finished the last one with only ten deaths.

The good thing about the rogue campaign was I noticed you no longer had to complete the Broken shore questline to get your class mount. Just your class hall quest. The rogue mount is beautiful as all of the class hall mounts are. Now, would I do all of them again? No. Well maybe the hunter or paladin.

Since completing all the class hall campaigns I am on to finishing each allied race to at least level 50, for the heritage achievement and finishing the season of discovery in classic. Good luck everyone!