Today we spoke with Tiny. She is a Gnome warlock.
Hello! How are you?
“I’m well.”
What specialty is your class?
“I’m an affliction warlock but I saw what a destruction one can do. So I might just double roles”
Which videos are you in?
“I’m in Welcome to the family….umm…The Mount. That was sad.”
Why was it sad?
“I didn’t get the mount. I’m fine though.”
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite place to visit?
“As a Gnome I should say either Dun Morogh or New Tinkertown. But I actually like Stormsong Valley.”
Have you been there?
“Not yet, but everyone tells me it’s beautiful.”
What is your favorite profession?
“Well I’m a miner. I do that for money. If I could do or try one for fun maybe engineering?”
Is money hard to come by in Azeroth?
“It used to be. Everything was expensive to a point. Now, it’s much easier.”
If you could be any other race which would you choose?
“I think the Night Elves are interesting. They have a better storyline. Maybe the Mechagnomes, they’re closer to gnomes? I don’t think I would like not having actual legs or any other body parts as machines though.”
What about the Vulpera?
She just stares at me.
What is your favorite food?
“Any type of cake!”
Which pet do you have with you?
“I take my voidwalker with me. He’s my tank. I’m thinking about changing his name though.”
Why is that?
“Jabberwind is not a name that rolls off the tongue. Whippy, I have with me when I’m mining. She’s a good distraction.”
Name something you hate.
“She found my sash I was saving. Not for a mount but something else. It was a while ago but I still remember. She claims bandits took it. Like come on bandits! I stuck my imp on her for a week!”
Is that the only reason?
“And she’s a part of the Horde. I don’t trust that lot much.”
But your mother has a couple of horde characters.
What’s your favorite mount?
“Anything that is intimidating. Like you’ll see the mount, then me.” She laughs.
Any advice for new characters coming into Azeroth?
“Pick a profession that will make you money. Enjoy the locations and take care of your pets”
Thank you Tiny. Will we see you in any new videos in the future?
“Well don’t rule me out. I don’t mind it. I’m cute.”
Thank you for taking the time to talk to us.
“Oh, no problem. Thank you. For the Alliance!”